
blogging BLAH! is about how I see the world, written in my own words. I don't really care if my posts offend any body, it's just the way things are... Life truly is unfair, so suck it up!

And if you're planning to judge me, stop. I've done that for you. I know who and what I am. Read my profile.

09 December 2011

Ponder Upon These...

Is every one nowadays a self-righteous hypocrite by all means?
'I am entitled to my own opinion' we always say, but we tend forget that the same entitlement applies to everybody else, too.
What about giving someone the benefit of the doubt? What ever happened to 'innocent until proven guilty'?
Remember the adage 'do unto others what you want others to do unto you'?

With the crime rate these days, is it right to say that the plausible thumb is the only thing that separates us from the rest of the animal kingdom? If that's the case, we might as well fling our crap at each other...that ought to be fun.

And speaking of thumbs...txtng & IMng seems 2 b d only thing we use dem 4. we waste r tym, $ & energy googling smthing & LOLing @ sm1. nt 2 mntion childrn geting dumber & dumber @ speling & gramar. dsnt rly mattr cuz its gentxt alrdy? WTF! ikr?!

'Blood is thicker than water' no longer applies? It seems that each one now sticks to where the money, fame or power is. If that's the case, I nominate myself to replace God...vote for me or I'll smite you if ever I win.

We ask for respect, but do we really deserve it? Aren't we supposed to gain it in the first place? With all the lusts and distrusts that cloud our minds, are we even deserving to get a chance to gain a fraction of it? I really doubt it.

'Forgive and forget' is just an expression? Seems that way. Can we really forgive? Some, if not most, are capable of forgiveness; but can we really forget? I don't think so. We move on...but we never forget, even if we did, there'd always be a reminder.

We call ourselves analytical and opinionated...I do. But are we really? Don't we just voice out other people's opinion and then make it sound our own? Don't we prattle about things we've seen on TV or read from a book and over the internet, and then make it sound like we came up with it ourselves? ...Aww hell! I should've written this piece years ago...