
blogging BLAH! is about how I see the world, written in my own words. I don't really care if my posts offend any body, it's just the way things are... Life truly is unfair, so suck it up!

And if you're planning to judge me, stop. I've done that for you. I know who and what I am. Read my profile.

10 January 2014

Skulduggery Uncovered

According to THE Ten Commandments; “Thou shalt not commit adultery,” and “Thou shalt not covet thy neighbor’s wife,” are two of the ten things to follow in order to live in the way of Lord. RRRrrrriiiiighttt…

First off, let it be clear that adultery can only be committed by a married woman – the male counterpart would be concubinage.
Secondly, I don’t have anything against Christianity or other clusters of religion for that matter…just using logic here.
Thirdly, the men and women mentioned below are presumed cheaters, all except for God and Moses for obvious reasons.
And lastly, I am neither feminist nor misogynist, or any other chauvinistic terms out there.
With those having been aired, let me begin my rambling.

The ‘Ten Commandments’ is probably the oldest and most popular basis of present-day laws in most countries. For Christians, violating any of the Commandments is a mortal sin that would surely result in ending up in hell.

The “Thou shalt not commit adultery” Commandment rings with finality. All married women are forbidden, by God through Moses, to have any sexual relations outside of marriage.
In the olden days, the consequences would have been stoning and flogging, and then they’d burn in the fires of hell for all eternity. Today, adulterers face a slightly different scenario: there’d still the condemning public but without the barbaric torture, and then they’d still end up in hell in the form of legal battles over the custody of children and properties, or remain married to the same husbands.
Whatever reasons these women have for committing such an act, none of them will ever be considered valid through the eyes of the Maker and the people.
Keep your thighs closed, woman! Or wait until you’re single…again. Or better yet, don’t get married in the first place if you plan to keep on sowing your wild oats until you’re old and dried up!

The “Thou shalt not covet thy neighbor’s wife” Commandment though…sounds pretty suspicious. In the most basic interpretation, it would just involve someone else’s wife. See where I’m getting at?
Since the “neighbor’s wife” is off limits…what about the UNmarried broads out there? Those who aren’t someone else’s wives?
So following the other Commandment’s logic, men actually found a way to avoid being condemned to hell by banging unattached women!
And here I thought cheating men were stupid. Combining the use of brains and balls – brilliant!

Maybe somewhere along the way, through different interpretations and rewritings, these two Commandments were “mishandled,” – like the original Commandments might have been “Thou shalt not marry if thou have too much lovin’ to give to just one,” and “Thou shalt not covet thy neighbor’s wife NOR husband.”
Or maybe it’s about time we ask God to change said Commandments. Hhhmmmm…