
blogging BLAH! is about how I see the world, written in my own words. I don't really care if my posts offend any body, it's just the way things are... Life truly is unfair, so suck it up!

And if you're planning to judge me, stop. I've done that for you. I know who and what I am. Read my profile.

11 July 2011

Spot One, Spot All

In politics, there’s always a wrong time and a wrong place but never a wrong person; there will be a loser but no winner; and there will always be hitchhikers seeking asylum and approval from anyone “powerful” and desperate enough to give attention to these kinds of people. Some call them political butterflies; I call them parasites- leeches to be precise.

These are the ones to watch out for. They are both the foundation and the weakest link of any opposing parties. They make and break a group’s strengths and weaknesses. They are the moles that go unnoticed until it’s too late. Often times, they are the ones who take most of the heat and are left in the dirt when they serve no more purpose… waiting for another victim to latch themselves onto, an irritatingly never-ending cycle.

Leeches come in different shapes and sizes, just as people come in with different beliefs and motives: Some are out there for the sake of belonging, to prove a point that they can adapt. Some are out there for the attention and the appreciation, to show that they are needed and that they matter. Some are out there for fun, because they have nothing better going on with their own lives. And for some, they’re out there just to wreak havoc because they cannot stand the fact that some people are happy, wealthy, powerful, or whatever it is that they are not.

I call them parasites because they have nothing good to offer. They might look good at first, blurt out a few secrets and empty promises, even appear to be die-hard loyalists. But then all hell will break loose… they will take all that they can and then move on to another unsuspecting fool, because they are after all, slimy bloodsucking little ingrates.

Real leeches are easy to get rid off, a little salt and they’re dead… but these metaphoric ones, with all the salt in the world, they’d still be leeching off of someone to their hearts’ content. If I could just close my eyes and wish for a buttload of metaphoric salt…

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