
blogging BLAH! is about how I see the world, written in my own words. I don't really care if my posts offend any body, it's just the way things are... Life truly is unfair, so suck it up!

And if you're planning to judge me, stop. I've done that for you. I know who and what I am. Read my profile.

03 January 2012


2012 is the end of the world; as far as Mayans are concerned...either the 12th or 21st of December. There's no harm in believing, but then again, there's no harm in NOT believing either.
Does it really matter anyway? I mean, there's no way to stop the "inevitable" if it were true. So, que sera sera!

No point in panicking. Is fear the last feeling you want to have before you die? Would you rather sit inside a cave and wait for a golden chair for your salvation? Paranoid much.
I say go out with a bang! Live life to the fullest, enjoy life while you still have one. Live every day like it's your last one (good practice too).

As for myself, Imma live my life just like I did for the last almost-thirty years: doing whatever I feel like doing, accepting consequences of my actions (with much enthusiasm and less regret) and expecting nothing.
The prediction? I'd say I'm a "glass-half-empty" kind of person...the nonchalant glass-half-empty kind. I believe the world will end someday; but not this year, just someday. So what?

With the way people abuse resources and the amount of pollution we all leave behind, I reckon we all never think of tomorrow. The unnecessary excesses we and our ancestors enjoyed leave the future generation with lesser everything to the point of almost nothing.

So it should be no surprise if the world ends. We don't need the Mayans to tell us that. If we don't change, it will happen SOONER. We don't need Nostradamus either, anybody can predict wars and floods because these are results of our own doings. Their predictions are as good as history, they just lack details like when and where.

The world will end. The Mayans stated.
I don't think so. The arrogant ones countered.
When? How? The skeptics mused.
Why?! The cowards cried.
Bring it on! The daredevils shouted.
Good riddance. I murmured.

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